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Royal Flying Corps Colt 1911 Pistol

Royal Flying Corps Colt 1911 Pistol

Длительность: 00:04:44
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Опубликовал: Феликс Каспаринский 08.09.2012
On this episode of Curator's Corner Doug Wicklund, Senior Curator of t...
On this episode of Curator's Corner Doug Wicklund, Senior Curator of the NRA National Firearms Museum, shares a "twilight zone" gun with John Popp.  The Colt 1911 Government Model belonged to Canadian J. C. Hume-Storer.  Hume-Storer survived the trenches of World War I with this 1911 before becoming a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps.  He took off on  a morning patrol February 17, 1917 and was never seen again.  His Colt 1911, however, showed up in an American gun store years later....Discover the full story on this Curator's Corner!

To find more than 10,000 zoomable images of the 3,000 firearms at the museum, visit the NFM's website, www.NRAmuseum.com. www.NRAnews.com (episode aired 7-12-12)

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