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40 under 40 Exhibition Trailer

40 under 40 Exhibition Trailer

Длительность: 00:00:43
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Опубликовал: Феликс Каспаринский 08.09.2012
40 under 40: Craft Futures is on view at the Renwick Gallery of the Sm...
40 under 40: Craft Futures is on view at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum from July 20, 2012 -- February 3, 2013. This trailer features work by artists Jeff Garner, Sebastian Martorana, Daniel Michalik, and Olek. Visit http://americanart.si.edu/renwick40 for more information on the exhibition or http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL94AA4771224B27E1 to see work by more artists.

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