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The Cloisters Museum and Gardens: Behind the Scenes with the Director

The Cloisters Museum and Gardens: Behind the Scenes with the Director

Длительность: 00:11:29
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Опубликовал: Феликс Каспаринский 08.09.2012
Learn more about The Cloisters Museum & Gardens: http://www.metmuseum...
Learn more about The Cloisters Museum & Gardens: http://www.metmuseum.org/cloisters/

Metropolitan Museum of Art Director Thomas P. Campbell explores the masterpieces, gardens, history, and architecture of The Cloisters Museum and Gardens with Peter Barnet, Curator in Charge of Medieval Art and The Cloisters.

Producer and Director: Christopher Noey
Editor: Jessica Glass
Camera: Wayne De La Roche, Jessica Glass
Sound: David Raymond
Production Assistance: Kate Farrell, Sarah Cowan, Travis Kray

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